
From an early age, I developed a very sensitive way to observe people and the ways they act and behave.
The way they move and express themselves to the rest of the world. Each person has a particular and distinctive characteristic that makes them unique. Everyone reacts, gets stimulated and surrender by these. Behaviour is a fertile ground for design. This natural response as primitive as it is, changes and grows in each person collectively (mass reaction) but also individually.

I thought about my own fears and my own reactions, what feeds them, and, how I live with them. Fear can feel good if we are not really in danger. That is why many people enjoy scary movies. However, I didn’t know much about fear. Just because some actions are deeply familiar, ordinary, and obvious to us, it doesn’t mean we fully understand them. Perhaps, asking simple questions can lead to unexpected answers and rich insights. I always push myself to find my own approach, my own questions, and my own creative responses.
Chinese Ink
September 2022
By combining the traditional medium of Chinese ink with modern animation techniques, he created unique and visually striking animations.
The use of ink in animation can be a way to add depth, texture, and complexity to the clip resulting in a rich and engaging viewing experience.